And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?”
Where is your fire? The other day in my women's group we were talking about where is a women's main focus. We have been discussing how men and women are created equal but different. Yet when we were talking about where their focus was something truly dawned on me. When men and women come into a holy union they shift their focus or are at least suppose to. They are to focus on the home and household God has given them whether or not they have little ones to fill it. The man is to work with the intention to provide for his wife and family. A women is to make the household operate and function and be the helper to her husband. So your probably wondering what does this have to do with fire and what does this have to do with me I'm single? Well let me tell you when your focus is on anything other than the things God wants it to be on the fire is burning somewhere else. I look at it like this if both the men and women in a marriage are focused on their work or position then they aren't providing the fuel to the thing God has given them,but it has to fueled, leaving the one person we don't want interfering being the main provider of the fuel. You see the enemy doesn't mind adding fuel to the place your fire should be because his fuel is toxic. It destroys relationships instead of repairing them. It make things harder instead of easier. It pulls you and him apart rather than bring you together. So where is your fire? Are you fueling your ego or your home? When you wake up are you praising God for the household he has given you or are you thinking about the day of work you need to do to get your next paycheck. This principle isn't just for the married. I'm single and I still had to ask myself where is my fire? I had to self evaluate whether or not I was pouring fuel onto the things God wanted me to. I had to search and ask what is it besides you that deserves most of my attention. With this I challenge you today to pray and see where you fire is. Are you letting the enemy fuel what you should be fueling? Are you focusing on something that in the end won't even matter? Let these words from Jesus Culture's song Set A Fire radiate in your heart for a minute:
"Set a Fire down in my soul
that I can't contain that I can't control,
I want more of you God, I want more of you."
Does that include you or not, because in the end all that matters is if we have shown the light of Jesus to this world of darkness. So with that I want my fire blazing just for him. What about you?