Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Still Stuggling

1 Peter 5:10
 "And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you."

I wanted to share a simple piece of my heart. I wanted to take a moment to be vulnerable and honest in hope that it might make some type of impact on one person. I have been a Christian since I was 8 years old. I knew at that young age that I believed in Jesus and that he died on a cross for my sins. Yet there was a time after that I questioned that decision. A time when my life was so low I didn't make sense because The Lord I was believing didn't seem to care. There were times in which I felt like death was the way out but my God is so good. He sent someone to show me the way. Someone to help sow the seeds that had been planted in my life and showed me what I was missing. When I was 16 years old God met me in my brokenness in the time in which I knew something was missing but didn't know what it was. He met me and showed me that knowing who He was wasn't enough. I had to learn who I was in Him to truly have a relationship with my Savior. So with that life should be easy right. Once you accept Christ and start a relationship with him your life is smooth sailing. Well I'm here to tell you that you're wrong. Life as a Christian isn't easy. There are moments in which I mess up. Moments when I find myself crying myself to sleep wondering what God's plan for me is. I still question things and try to take control when I know I shouldn't. Yet one thing remains the same my God still loves me. I'm still his daughter and nothing can ever change that. So what makes life different as a Christian. Being a follower of Christ makes life worth living. Accepting him didn't make my life easy it made it worth it. Knowing that My God is so much bigger than every problem makes my job easy. I just simply believe in Him and continue to peruse him the best I can. But I will always be a sinner and so what I need to do is continue to walk the path I know is right and forgive myself for the mistakes along the way. So I challenge you to do the same today. If today was a bad day tell yourself it was good because God gave you another day of this earth. Know that nothing can separate you from him and rest assure that he has it all planned out no matter what.

1 comment:

  1. No words other then Thank you and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful teacher.
