2 Timothy 2:15
15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
Have you ever given advice to someone and a few days later you find yourself in a situation where that advice would work perfectly, except there is one small problem, you don't take it. Why is that? Why is it that we can speak truth into other people's situations, but when it comes to ourselves we are our own worst enemy? I truly believe that the enemy sits back and laughs sometimes because we are doing his work for him. We attack ourselves more often then we praise ourselves and even when we are praised by others we claim false humility because we don't believe what they say about us. This past summer when we were at camp we as leaders adopted a philosophy one of our senior girls passed along and to me it was truly inspiring. What we did was, when one girl made a negative comment about herself such as "I hate my hair" we would make her take a moment to stop what she was doing and then speak three positive things about herself. Over the course of that week we saw change. We saw insecurities be healed and past hurts washed away, but what about now? I realized that I was a huge proponent for this exercise when we were at camp, but once I came back to reality I didn't find myself speaking truth once I had spoken death into my own situation. I let the atmosphere at camp allow for change, but I didn't allow the change to happen. I embraced it while I was there, but once I no longer had the security of camp I had reverted back to what I knew, to what was comfortable. So what I have discovered is that I have to make a change. I have to use the Bible and God's Word to alter my way of thinking. If we as Christians believe that what the Bible says is true then we have to believe what God says about us. So my challenge for you today is to start speaking truth into every situation whether it's good or bad. Allow the word of God to heal you. Know that you are beautiful and wonderfully made, and that no matter what, even the gates of hell, that nothing can separate you from God's love. Learn the truth about who you are in God so you can speak it into your life as well as everyone else's around you. Don't just be truth seeker be truth speakers and watch how not only the world around you changes but how you change too.
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