Monday, January 20, 2014

Being Bold

Ephesians 3:12
"Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God's presence."

With today being MLK day I have found myself reflecting on what he was thinking. So many people see him as just a civil rights activist but forgot he was a pastor. He was a man of God on a mission to fulfill what he felt he was called to do. I love that. I love the fact that he follow God's plan for him with no fear, he was bold. So many people wonder to themselves why the world has stopped changing and I think it's because Christians who are called by God to do great things have stopped being bold. We all have a destiny but we try to find our own way in the world and end up coming up short. So today I say remember Martin Luther King Jr. And live for your dreams. Find your destiny and stand boldly knowing that God is by your side. My challenge for you today is to talk to God and ask him how you can be bold. Seek him and let him know that you are ready to do anything he has planned for you because you know he will led the way. I think Doctor King would agree with me when I don't forget to dream but when you do make sure your dreams are as big as the plans God has for you because nothing is impossible with Him by your side. 

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