Monday, September 22, 2014

Never Ending Love

Romans 8:38-39
38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a]neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

What is Love? Webster's Dictionary Defines it as a feeling of strong attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration. As I read that definition all the sappy love movies I have watch seem to missing the mark. Based on what Websters says about love its a feeling that turns into a command inside of something that cannot be explained. Let's be honest how many of us have watched a movie with a love story so amazing that we change our prayers to match it, so for example the Notebook, I wonder how many women have prayed asking for a love like that of Ally and Noah. However based on the definition is that really love? Or is the real question we need to be asking ourselves is: do we even really know what love is?  The only form of true love we could ever know is the love of our savior. True love is the sacrifice God expressed by sending his only son to pay for our sins on the cross. You see true love is so immeasurable more than we could ever comprehend that we as humans have created this idea of what we think it is so misleading that no matter how much we pray we will never obtain it. So I was spending time with the Lord, thinking about this and I began to wonder what if. What if instead of praying for a loving relationship like that of fictional movies, instead of modeling our relationships after made up character, we decided to shower those in our lives with a love like that of the Lord. If we began to pray for the ability to love other's like God has loved us. Now I understand that this principle isn't an easy one to follow. I mean achieve that love is impossible because the perfect love can only come from the perfect one, but imagine how much our lives would change if we would simple try to succeed.  Our desire to be more like Jesus would be life changing and in return love changing. Just think husband and wife relationships would change because husbands would love their wives like Jesus loved the church and in return their wives would love them as we the church love Jesus. Then think about parent/child relationships and how so many people all over the world have skewed depictions of God as the father based on their Dad well just think if Father try to love their children as God has loved us chains will not only be broken but will never have a chance to form. Loving one another like God loves us allows us to take authority over our families. It makes us in charge and gives the enemy no room to cast doubt. So why not try? No one is going to be perfect,but leaning on the true meaning of love can't do anything but help. Wanting to be more like Jesus isn't ever going to be a bad thing. So I challenge you to pray for a Christ like love. To pray for the ability to love those around you like God loves us. Because I believe that when we shift our definition of love then Go's love will shine upon all of us and who couldn't use a little more of God's love falling on them. 

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